MP (Marlou) Lasschuijt-Schipper PhD

MP (Marlou) Lasschuijt-Schipper PhD

Universitair docent

dr. Marlou Lasschuijt is an assistant professor in the Sensory Science and Eating Behaviour group at Wageningen University. She has a background in clinical dietetics and completed her PhD at Wageningen University during which she studied sensory physiological systems involved in satiation. During her Postdoc she worked on developing novel technologies to measure food intake and eating behaviour in adult and child populations. Her current research focuses on the link between eating behaviour and physiology in healthy and clinical populations.

Current interests

  • Food texture, eating behaviour and metabolic responses
  • Early-life feeding experiences and development of eating behaviour
  • Eating behavior development of children with down syndrome
  • Food texture sensitivity and picky eating in children on the autism spectrum