dr. GBM (Bas) Pedroli

dr. GBM (Bas) Pedroli

Externe medewerker

Dr G.B.M. Pedroli is a senior researcher at Wageningen University & Research (Alterra) and associate professor at Wageningen University (Land Use Planning Group), holding a PhD in physical geography / landscape ecology. He is strongly involved in international research and education related to environmental management and to land use planning. He is Chair External Affairs of UNISCAPE (Association of Universities for the European Landscape Convention (www.uniscape.eu) and an active member of various other European scientific and NGO networks (e.g. Landscape Europe, IALE, PETRARCA, CIVILSCAPE). He is also member of advisory boards of various scientific journals and foundations. He has published many research papers and edited several scientific books. He is engaged enthusiastically in supporting policies for land use and landscape management and nature conservation planning from a sustainable development perspective.

Key publications:

Pinto Correia, T., J. Primdahl & B. Pedroli (2018): European Rural Landscapes in Transition – implications for policy and practice. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 298 p. ISBN 978-1-107-07069-1.

Frederiksen, P., T. van der Sluis, A. Vadineanu, T.S. Terkenli, V. Gaube, A. Gravsholt Busck, J.P. Vesterager, N. Geamana, D.E. Schistou, B. Pedroli (2017): Misfits and compliance patterns in the transposition and implementation of the Habitats Directive—four cases. Land Use Policy 62: 337-350.

van der Sluis, T., Pedroli, B., Kristensen, S. B. P., Lavinia Cosor, G., & Pavlis, E. (2015). Changing land use intensity in Europe – Recent processes in selected case studies. Land Use Policy, 57, 777-785.

Pedroli, B., Rounsevell, M., Metzger, M., Paterson, J. and the VOLANTE consortium (2015). The VOLANTE Roadmap towards sustainable land resource management in Europe. VOLANTE final project document, Alterra Wageningen UR, 24 pp. www.volante-project.eu/docs/roadmap.pdf