
Citizen Science: Environmental Sensing

May 23, 2017

The third guest blog post of the ‘Opening Science’ series is written by Qijun Jiang, and discusses his contribution to urban environmental monitoring. Qijun is a PhD candidate researching sensor and environmental monitoring in the Laboratory of Geo-information Science and Remote Sensing at Wageningen University & Research, and is a Member of the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) and of the Citizen Science and Open Science Working Group within ECSA.

Environmental issues such as the pollution of air, water, and soil harm human health and our planet. To understand the state of the environment, and make smart decisions when forming our future policies, we need robust environmental data. Often, these data are collected by official organizations using large-scale and expensive monitoring stations to yield high quality data, but with a limited frequency or number of locations. As a result, citizens and policy makers may not have sufficient information to make informed decisions and optimal strategic determinations...