dr. S (Scarlett) Wang

dr. S (Scarlett) Wang

DLO Onderzoeker

Currently, I am an economic researcher at the Sustainable Value Chain group at Wageningen Economic Research. I am passionate for the intersection of data science and behavioral economics, especially in the context of sustainability transition.

Between 2020 to 2023, I conducted my PhD research at the Business Economics Group at WUR under an EU project called MINDSTEP. My PhD thesis is entitled: Mitigating greenhouse gases on Dutch dairy farms – integrated evidence from behavioral and efficiency models.

Our main conclusion suggests that aligning financial incentives, eliciting negative emotions from inaction positively, and fostering positive personal norm and attitude could enhance the adoption of GHG mitigation measures among Dutch dairy farmers. Meanwhile, better farm management practices play an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and a win-win situation is achievable.

Furthermore, I have a bachelor's double degree in horticulture & agri-business and a master's degree in operations research & logistics (WUR).