
How a Strategic Scoping Canvas Can Facilitate Collaboration between Partners in Sustainability Transitions

Wigboldus, S.A.; Brouwers, J.H.A.M.; Snel, Herman


The loosely applied concepts of transformations and transitions often result in unarticulated different visions and expectations among stakeholders regarding the orientation and ambition of a particular initiative related to system transitions/transformations. In this paper, a strategic scoping canvas and an associated facilitation process are presented as a way of enhancing shared
understanding among stakeholders. Illustrations are provided of initial application in three cases related to food system transitions in Peru, Ethiopia, and Bangladesh, exploring the connectivity with approaches commonly used in the context of system transformations, including the Multi-Level
Perspective on sustainability transitions, the Leverage Points approach, Capability Approach, and the theory of Large System Change. We conclude that the canvas and associated facilitation approach has proved useful in dierent contexts, oering opportunities for complementing existing methodologies,
and potentially enhancing their ecacy in facilitated multi-stakeholder processes.