
Physiological and metabolic aspects of follicular developmental competence as affected by lactational body condition loss

Costermans, Natasja G.J.; Teerds, Katja J.; Kemp, Bas; Keijer, Jaap; Soede, Nicoline M.


Metabolic demands of modern hybrid sows have increased over the years, which increases the chance that sows enter a substantial negative energy balance (NEB) during lactation. This NEB can negatively impact reproductive outcome, which is especially evident in primiparous sows causing a reduced second parity reproductive performance. The negative effects of the lactational NEB on reproductive performance can be partly explained by the influence of the premating metabolic state, during and after lactation, on the development of follicles from which oocytes will give rise to the next litter. In addition, the degree and type of body tissue mobilization during lactation that is, adipose tissue or lean mass, highly influences follicular development. Research investigating relations between the premating metabolic state and follicular and oocyte competence in modern hybrid sows, which experience higher metabolic demands during lactation, is limited. In this review we summarize current knowledge of physiological relations between the metabolic state of modern hybrid sows and follicular developmental competence. In addition, we discuss potential implications of these relations for current sow management strategies.