Publications of the Earth Systems and Global Change Group
Researchers of the Earth Systems and Global Change Group publish on a regular basis in scientific journals, professional journals, scientific and popular books, and proceedings.
Our publications
Natuur maand eerder in bloei dan 50 jaar geleden, hooikoorts op de loer
Environmental Systems specialist Rik Leemans says goodbye: Caring about the climate
Data underlying the publication: ‘Wang et al (2024) A triple increase in global river basins with water scarcity due to future pollution. Nature Communications’
Enabling future climate policy : an analysis of policy gaps and progress under the Paris Agreement
Wageningen University. Promotor(en): N. Höhne, R. Leemans - Wageningen: Wageningen University - ISBN: 9789464479874 -
PhD theses in a nutshell
Data used in the paper: Hydrological drought forecasts using precipitation data depend on catchment properties and human activities
Nu al muggen, maar 'niet alles wat voor mug wordt uitgescholden is er eentje'
Gewone pad verzwakt door warme winters en plotselinge vorst
Advancing climate resilient development for semi-arid farming systems in India
Wageningen University. Promotor(en): F. Ludwig, M.P.M. Meuwissen, co-promotor(en): S.E. Werners - Wageningen: Wageningen University -
Met deze foefjes heb je minder last van hooikoorts: ‘Begin met neusspray vóór de pollen vrijkomen’