dr. VC (Valentina) Tassone

dr. VC (Valentina) Tassone

Assistant Professor

“How do we cope with the demands of a modern (un)sustainable life? What does the ongoing climate crisis mean to me and what is my role into it? How can we responsibly jointly address socio-ecological matters of concern, when we all think so differently?”

These questions are an example of the questions we as young or less-young learners are confronted with. I am dedicated to exploring educational, teaching and learning approaches that empower learners to deepen this type of questions and respond to today’s sustainability challenges. By drawing from the dilemmas people face and from the ecological needs of the earth, my research focuses on innovative educational design, deep and relational pedagogies that transform people and practices and that enable learners to be responsible agents in our complex world. My research studies take place in the context of (higher) education, community setting or society at large, and often at their crossroads. I have an interdisciplinary academic background, bridging environmental and sustainability sciences on the one side, and educational, teaching and learning sciences on the other side.

You can read here about the projects I am involved in.

You can read here about my educational activities, PhD and Post-Doc supervision.