For using any confocal microscopes or auxiliary equipment in PDB (from WLMC facility) it is required to make a reservation in the Booking agenda. First login, to make and edit your personal booking account.
Go to: and use SurfConext with normal WUR personal password.
Fill in your credentials and send an email to the (indicated) manager of the equipment to ask for booking rights on your personal account, e-access to microscopy rooms and appoint for a training. Without this email the equipment manager does not know you are waiting for access. This account is your access to all shared equipment of WUR.
Costs will be provided on request. The facility has no aim to profit and provides free training and support at minimal costs. A project number is required and provided by your supervisor. Note that the personal account goes asleep and gets automatically archived when not used for more than six months. Users get a warning prior to this for 5 days in a row. If you login once, your account remains active for another six months.