
What to do if you can't install the Mendeley Cite add-in?

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If you have recently upgraded your Mendeley reference manager software, you may have experienced some issues with the Mendeley cite add-in. Read here what you can do about it.

Mendeley Cite plugin and add-in

Mendeley cite allows you to cite as you write. It is an important function of your reference manager software.

The previous versions of Mendeley (Mendeley desktop, up to v1.19.8) work with a plugin to activate this function in Word. The newest versions of Mendeley (Mendeley Reference Manager, v2.12.0 and above) use an add-in instead.

Current issue and how to resolve it

If your received your Office Word license from WUR, you cannot install add-ins. But, you can still install plugins.

  • If you have recently installed or upgraded to Mendeley Reference Manager (starting from v2.12.0), we recommend that you downgrade to Mendeley Desktop (up to 1.19.8).
  • Do not install the stand alone Mendeley Cite add-in
  • Do not upgrade to Mendeley Reference Manager when prompted to by Mendeley Desktop.

You can install Mendeley Desktop through the WUR software center (previously !Available software) or directly on the Mendeley website.

If you have any questions about Mendeley, please contact us by email.