Back to profile profile_subnav_contactperson - S (Sytze) de Bruin News Fields2Cover library released 9 juni 2022 | Fields2Cover library released - WUR category_news Fields2Cover library released Published on June 9, 2022 Have you ever been given a field you need to... Integrated assessment of deforestation drivers and their alignment with subnational climate change mitigation efforts 21 september 2020 | Integrated assessment of deforestation drivers and their alignment with subnational climate change mitigation efforts - WUR category_news Integrated... Data synthesis for crop variety evaluation 9 juli 2020 | Data synthesis for crop variety evaluation - WUR category_news Data synthesis for crop variety evaluation Published on July 9, 2020 A review article... Fields2cover 20 april 2020 | Fields2cover - WUR category_news Fields2cover Published on April 20, 2020 A research proposals of Sytze de Bruin: "Fields2cover" is granted... Producing consistent visually interpreted land cover reference data: learning from feedback 2 maart 2020 | Producing consistent visually interpreted land cover reference data: learning from feedback - WUR category_news Producing consistent visually... 12Next