
EdiCitNet - Edible Cities Network

EdiCitNet (Edible Cities Network – Integrating Edible City Solutions for social, resilient and sustainably productive cities) is a project funded by the European Commission and running from September 2018 to August 2023 (Grant Agreement No. 776665). Edible City Solutions (ECS) are all forms of sustainable urban food production, distribution and use – from neighbourhood gardens, to urban beekeeping and sheep farming, green facades or high-tech indoor farming, cooking and dining events and the use of locally grown urban food in restaurants. The project expects extension till Early 2024.

Together with a consortium of international partners and a growing network of edible city enthusiasts from around the world, EdiCitNet is designing and implementing urban food innovations and sustainable urban planning for greener, more edible and, above all, more liveable cities.

Wageningen University participates in the project with two partners, one of which is BMO. From BMO dr Geoffrey Hagelaar and dr Emiel Wubben participate since the start of EdiCitNet, while Alice Bischof was on the project from spring 2019 till summer 2022, executing the data gathering work. BMO is especially active in Work Package 6: Business Development, Consultancy, and Market Uptake. BMO also collaborates with various partners in Work Package 3: Living Labs in Front-Runner Cities.

Our various output were directed at Stakeholder power-interest maps, a Report on Triple Bottom Line Business Models, and ECSI Business Model Analysis & Typology. T.he final output will be D 6.7. on continuation, replication and upscaling.

For more information on the Edible Cities Network you can visit the website: