Master's Molecular Life Sciences
By combining chemistry, physics, and biology, groundbreaking fundamental research is performed in the life sciences. With this mindset, the programme Molecular Life Sciences focuses on processes from the atomic up to the cellular scale. Our students work on a large range of topics, for example the tracking of Cas proteins to quantify the functioning of CRISPR-Cas in vivo, production of self-healing materials by smart design of polymers, and development of cell specific delivery mechanisms inspired by virus-like particles. The possibilities of this master’s programme are endless, so which fields are you going to explore?

Why this programme?
- Cutting-edge research in topics ranging from bio-nanotechnology to the role of SOSEKI proteins in the cell polarity of plants.
- Research is an important part of the programme.
- Building bridges between biology, chemistry and physics.
Study programme of the master's Molecular Life Sciences
On the Programme of Molecular Life Sciences page you can find the general outline of the programme and more detailed information about courses, theses and internships.
You can also read more about the Compare Molecular Life Sciences to other master's programmes.
Within the master's programme you can choose one of the following specialisations of Molecular Life Sciences to meet your personal interests.
Application and admission
Interested in taking part in the programme of Molecular Life Sciences? Find out more about the specific Admission requirements and the application procedures.
Student experiences
Get a sneak peak into the life of a Molecular Life Science student, by reading their stories about doing a thesis or internship on the page Student experiences.
One of the professors of biophysics mentioned he had some connections in Norway. That’s how I ended up in Trondheim
Future career
What are your possibilities after graduating? Read more about Career perspectives and opportunities after finishing the master Molecular Life Sciences.
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