Global Qualifiers

Absence of data codes

-1 = Not included in survey. The field has been excluded from a given survey
0 = No record made. This entry is required to ensure that the entry in a field has not been forgotten.
-9 = Does not exist in this classification. A particular element has no match within a given classification.

Change-from-reference codes

These codes are for use where there is a deviation between the field and the reference map or reference aerial photograph.  The codes may also be used for a boundary not apparent on the base map. The reason for having these codes is to remove all ambiguity between the field recording and digitising/database entry.

NEW = New to map. If there is an element in the field that is not apparent on the reference map.
NOL = No longer on Map. If there is an element shown on the reference map that is no longer present.
ERR = Recording error. This code is to be used in a re-survey there is definite evidence that a recording error has been made.

4.4.3 Height and width codes

These codes are to be applied to linear elements and to define the height of rocks and screes that may have a small area, but appreciable height. Cliffs and rock outcrops over 0.5 m high must have height global codes added. The global code “HIG” plus the appropriate qualifier has to be used to record their height. For the width of linear elements only the first two categories are used.

1 = 0.5 -1 m
2 = 1 - 2 m
3 = 2 - 5 m
4 = 5 - 30 m
5 > 30 m

These scaling codes are combined with the Code HIG or WID

HIG = Height – applies to the height of the element above the average ground surface
WID = Width – applies to the width of the element

Other general codes

BUR = Burnt. Use this code with the life form that was present according to residual material, e.g. forest trees or grasses
ECO = Transition zone between two GHCs where there is a continuous gradient between them, Mapped by two dotted lines.
BIN = Seen through binoculars only. e.g. a mountain cliff or island in lake.
INA = Inaccessible, whether because of ownership or high altitude valleys.
SCA = trees/shrubs below 1% total cover but between 5 and 20 individuals/ha. Can also be applied to olives/fruit trees.
OPE = trees/shrubs 1-10% cover.
COM = Many small patches of a given different GHC or different management status within an element of a single GHC