
New brochure about the role of CGN

January 26, 2018

The renewed brochure describes the different roles of the Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (CGN), for crops, farm animals and trees. The brochure also provides interesting background information for the activities of CGN.

CGN is part of Wageningen University & Research, and carries out Statutory Research Tasks (WOT) for the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV). The aim of CGN is to contribute to long-term conservation of the genetic diversity of crops, farm animals and trees. CGN maintains genetic diversity in gene bank collections, and stimulates the sustainable valorisation and use of genetic diversity in agriculture and forestry.

CGN support the Dutch Ministry of LNV in implementing and further developments of international agreements, related to conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources and Access and Benefit Sharing.

CGN is an internationally recognised centre of expertise. It has developed new tools and knowledge that have contributed to making conservation and the utilisation of genetic diversity more effective and efficient. CGN will continue to adopt and implement the latest modern technologies, such as DNA technology (‘genomics’), seed storage technology, reproductive technologies and bio-informatics.