
Blog on (re)using teaching materials from others

February 7, 2019

“That’s a nice video on my topic! I really would like to use it in my own course!” Do you recognize this? Read further!

Teachers are always in need of teaching materials to explain and to illustrate concepts or just to keep their students active and alert. But making your own teaching materials can be time consuming and expensive. Wouldn’t it be convenient if you could use existing materials in your own course? In some cases you can! But you have to make sure you take the right steps.

In the blog How to reuse teaching materials from others we explain in four steps what you have to do when you want to (re)use materials from others: finding the material, copyright checking, reusing it and citing it.

Do you still have questions on (re)using teaching materials from others? Or do you want to find material, but you don't know where to look? Please email the Wageningen University & Research – Library at or check our pages For teachers for more information.