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Education - dr. MJW (Marieke) Jeuken

Teacher of  'Plant Breeding', PBR-22303 and Pre-breeding PBR-21803.

Teacher of 'Scientific SkillsTraing',  part of  YPS-60315 - Plant Breeding Design Cluster (online)  in MSc Plantveredeling (online)

Studyadvisor MSc Plant sciences & Plant Biotechnology, specialisation Plant breeding

Supervisor MSc thesis-projects and internships


PBR70424 MSc Internship Plant Breeding
PBR22303 Plant Breeding
PBR70224 MSc Internship Plant Breeding
PBR21803 Pre-breeding
PBR80424 MSc Thesis Plant Breeding
PBR80436 MSc Thesis Plant Breeding
PBR79224 MSc Research Practice Plant Breeding
PBR79324 MSc Research Practice Plant Breeding
PBR21803 Pre-breeding
PBR70224 MSc Internship Plant Breeding