Y (Yousra) Makanse MSc

Y (Yousra) Makanse MSc

Promovendus, Ph.D. Candidate

Yousra Makanse is a Ph.D. candidate at Wageningen University & Research within the Cultural Geography Research Group (GEO).

She holds a European Master in Tourism Management (EMTM) joint master’s degree from the University of Southern Denmark, University of Ljubljana, and Universitat de Girona, and a bachelor's degree in Leisure and Tourism from the University of São Paulo. Yousra earned a tourism research fellowship at DOUROTUR, a project for Scientific Research and Technological Development funded by Portugal's Norte 2020, and she extended her experience in the tourism industry working as a Sustainability Project Manager in the Norwegian hospitality industry. She also gained experience in the environmental field by working with environmental restoration in the Pacific Northwestern United States.

Yousra’s current research aims to explore and map tourism diversification in the Antarctic, particularly considering the magnitude of integration of less tangible concepts of the ATS fundamental principles and values in the development of new, novel, or particularly concerning activities, as part of an NWO project funded by the Netherlands Polar Programme. The ultimate objective is to provide knowledge for the CEP process towards the development of a framework for conducting pre-assessments relating to new tourism activities in the Antarctic.