MOOCs of Animal Breeding and Genomics

Teachers of Animal Breeding and Genomics developed two online courses (MOOCs) in the field of Animal Breeding and Genetics.

This course is my turning point for my future career.
Online learner

The content of the courses is based on our BSc course “Animal Breeding and Genetics” and focuses on seven steps used to set up a breeding programme. The MOOCs were financially supported by the Dutch Koepon Foundation and are published on the renowned educational platform edX. The two current courses are:

  • ABG01X – Genetic Models for Animal Breeding
  • ABG02X – Evaluating Animal Breeding Programmes

Anyone can register for the MOOCs, see the information and do the exercises for free. Module exams and certificates are available after payment. Together, the courses form the “Professional certificate in Animal Breeding and Genetics”.

Go to the MOOCs

I want to thank edX, course organizers and teachers of this course for their efforts in making the course very accessible and quite understanding.
Online learner