ABG thesis track for students MSc Animal Sciences (MAS)

Students of the MSc Animal Sciences (MAS) can choose a thesis track at ABG.

A – Genetics and Biodiversity

For this thesis track, students are required to complete at least 2 of the following courses, followed by a major thesis at ABG (ABG80436, 36 ECTS):

  • Genetic Improvement of Livestock (ABG31306) - 6 ECTS
  • Genomics (ABG30306) - 6 ECTS
  • Modern Statistics for the Life Sciences (ABG30806) - 6 ECTS
  • Population and Quantitative Genetics (GEN30806) - 6 ECTS

If you wish to follow this thesis track, please consult your study advisor beforehand so you can discuss which courses you want or need to follow.

As a rule of thumb, students with an interest in doing a quantitative thesis project are required to follow Genetic Improvement of Livestock, whereas students aiming at a more molecular thesis project would need Genomics as one of their (at least) 2 required courses.

In addition, students are required to either do an internship or a research practice.

E – Molecule, Cell and Organ Functioning

Molecule, Cell and Organ Functioning is a fundamental specialization looking into mechanisms and processes at all levels of physiology: from molecules to organs to whole animals. In this specialization the functioning of animals is studied to acquire animal or computer models for health, disease resistance, growth and aging.

For this thesis track, students are required to complete the following courses, followed by a major thesis at ABG (ABG80436, 36 ECTS):

  • Genomics (ABG30306) - 6 ECTS
  • Modern Statistics for the Life Sciences (ABG30806) - 6 ECTS

In addition, students are required to either do an internship or a research practice.

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