
No cakes with plastics

July 1, 2019

The Cultural Geography chair group hopes to put an end to the use of plastic utensils during its group functions by giving each staff and PhD student a set of bamboo fork and spoon.

Handing my colleagues this is like making them sign a contract saying: No cakes for me if I don’t use my bamboos. In the meantime, I have also urged the Forest & Nature Conservation Policy group to ‘implement’ this no-cake-with-plastic policy. I hope every chair group in the university will do the same.

I came up with the idea of giving door gifts to the GEO group to round off a chair group dinner with the theme ‘door’. “When you make a hole in a wall, you get a door between spaces, forming a constitutive relation that transforms our potential!” says Prof. dr. Edward Huijbens, GEO's new chair holder.

Photo at right: GEO colleagues are obviously happy with their door gifts. - by Keen-mun Poon
