MSc thesis

The MSc thesis (36 credits) is an important components in every MSc programme. In the following MSc programmes you can do a MAQ MSc thesis:

  • Earth and Environment (MEE, specialisation Meteorology and Air Quality)
  • Environmental Sciences (MES) and
  • Climate Studies (MCL, specialisations The Physical Climate and Biogeochemical Cycles).
  • Besides, you can include a minor thesis (e.g. 24 credits) on an MAQ topic if you are in another MSc programme (provided you meet the requirements)

Most practical information on the way the thesis is organised in MAQ can be found in the MAQ MSc thesis information pages:

Both for your own planning, and that of your supervisor, you are advised to start your search for a thesis topic well before your expected starting data (2-3 months ahead). Please contact the MAQ Education Coordinators (Michiel van der Molen, Imme Benedict) for information on the procedure. Furthermore, he may help you to find an appropriate topic and supervisor.

To help you select the MAQ courses that prepare you best for certain thesis themes, please consult the documents 'Relation thesis themes and courses MAQ' on the MAQ MSc Thesis pages. You study adviser has these overviews as well.