
New project about private and collective water storage led by Jaime Hoogesteger has received financing from NWO

February 2, 2022

The project “Upscaling Private and Collective Water Storage for Robust Agricultural Systems (UPWaS)” led by WRM's Jaime Hoogesteger has been granted financing by NWO.

Based on a design-oriented, co-learning living labs approach, this project aims to co-develop inter- and trans-disciplinary insights and tools that support farmers, Waterboards, Provincial Governments and other public and private stakeholders in the Netherlands in the process of upscaling private and collective water storage for robust agricultural systems. It does so by bringing together innovative insights from agricultural sciences, hydrology, law and governance studies with knowledge from day-to-day practices on the ground. It does so by using diverse participatory and iterative modelling and visualisation tools for multiscale scenario development to develop innovation pathways for agricultural and governance innovation.

The project will start in June 2022 and will be implemented by a broad consortium, composed of: Wageningen University, Utrecht University, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Van Hall Larenstein UAS, Aequator Groen en Ruimte and Houfhoff B.V., de Waterschappen Scheldestromen, Vechtstromen and Rijn&IJssel, Provincie Zeeland en Gelderland, I&W en boerensamenwerkingsverbanden VALA, de Waterhouderij, Mineral Valley Twente, de Marke.

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