
Workshop febr 19 and 20: Analysis of Trade-offs in Agricultural Systems

February 5, 2013

19 & 20 February 13.30 – 17.00 HRS, Forum-building: C226

The goals of global food security, improving welfare, and sustaining ecosystems need to be achieved with an increasing world population and limited resources. Decision makers have to understand the spatial and temporal trade-offs associated with choices that address this formidable challenge. A more holistic systems approach, rather than a single technology approach, is essential. Scientists from across the world involved in systems research will explain their approaches and discuss encountered challenges.

Keynote presentations by Pablo Tittonell (Professor of Farming Systems Ecology), other WageningerUR scientists and scientists from ICRISAT, ICRAF, ILRI, Climate Focus and ILAC.

You can find the presentations and information on how to register in the downloadable pdf (in link).