
Supporting Intercultural Communication at WUR

January 8, 2021

Recently, the intercultural team at ELS gave an online workshop for secretaries and supporting staff at WUR. The theme of the workshop was: Intercultural Communication: Inspiration or Irritation?

The workshop included an interactive quiz and discussion on cultural perspectives. Besides this, for the workshop our international colleagues (from Iran, Ethiopia, Mexico, China, Portugal and Singapore) contributed by sharing their insights about the role of supporting staff in their country and the experiences they had at Wageningen University. This was done as an interview by using MS teams which was recorded.

The recording of their interviews was edited and complied into a short video. The video was then screened during the workshop for stimulating discussions and for analysing the intercultural situations. The video highlighted the cultural differences, the working styles, power distance, cultural habits, dealing with conflicts, etc. ELS colleagues Omid Noroozi and Yared Demssie also participated in the interviews.

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ELS inter-cultural communication skills team