Internship with the Law Group

The primary aim of the internship is to gain practice in the working environment. After the completion of it, students are expected to develop different skills, like applying the knowledge acquired during the course of study or working independently. During this experience, students need to formulate their own specific, personal learning outcomes, in conversation with a supervisor from the Law Group. We ask students to work on their reports on the internship content and personal development and to submit them to our supervisors.

We follow the University criteria for the assessment of the thesis and internship work. In addition, we have developed short guidelines referring specifically to LAW theses and internships, specifying the steps and requirements that need to be respected. We advise you to have a look at our procedures on the Brightspace pages, Thesis Law Group and Internship Law Group. In order to be added to the Brightspace groups, please send an email to and

Student Experiences
(coming soon)