Bibliography ANIMO model

Model description and reviews

Arah, J.R.M. and A.J.A. Vinten, 1995. Simplified models of anoxia and denitrification in aggregated and simple-structured soils. Eur. Journal of Soil Science 46, 507-517.

Groenendijk, P., L.V. Renaud and J. Roelsma, 2005. Prediction of Nitrogen and Phosphorus leaching to groundwater and surface waters; Process descriptions of the Animo4.0 model. Wageningen, Alterra–Report 983, 114 pp.

Heinen M., 2006. Simplified denitrification models: Overview and properties. Geoderma 133, 444-463.

Hendriks, R.F.A., Wolleswinkel, R. & Akker, J.J.H. van den, 2007. Predicting soil subsidence and greenhouse gas emission in peat soils depending on water management with the SWAP-ANIMO model. In B. Robroek, et al., (Eds.), Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Carbon in Peatlands, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 15 - 18 April 2007  pp. 113-114.

Kersebaum, K.C., J-M. Hecker, W. Mirschel and M. Wegehenkel, 2007. Modelling water and nutrient dynamics in soil–crop systems. In: Kersebaum, K.C.  et al. (Eds). Proceedings of the workshop on “Modelling water and nutrient dynamics in soil–crop systems” held on 14–16 June 2004 in Müncheberg, Germany. Springer, The Netherlands. pp 1-17.

Lewis D.R. and M. B. McGechan, 2002. A Review of Field Scale Phosphorus Dynamics Models. Biosystems Engineering 82, 359–380.

McGechan M. B. and D. R. Lewis, 2002. Sorption of Phosphorus by Soil, Part 1: Principles, Equations and Models. Biosystems Engineering 82, 1–24.

McGechan M.B., 2002. Sorption of Phosphorus by Soil, Part 2: Measurement Methods, Results and Model Parameter Values. Biosystems Engineering 82, 115–130.

McGechan, M.B. and L. Wu, 2001. A Review of Carbon and Nitrogen Processes in European Soil Nitrogen Dynamics Models. In: Shaffer, M.J., L. Ma and S. Hansen (Eds.), Modelling Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics for Soil Management. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton. pp. 103-167.

Moreels E., S. De Neve, G. Hofman and M. Van Meirvenne, 2003. Simulating nitrate leaching in bare fallow soils: a model comparison. Nutr. Cycling Agroecosyst 67, 137–144.

Renaud, L.V., J. Roelsma and P. Groenendijk, 2005. User’s guide of the ANIMO4.0 nutrient leaching model. Wageningen, Alterra–Report 224, 184 pp

Reiniger, P, J. Hutson, H. Jansen, J. Kragt, H. Piehler, M. Swarts, H. Vereecken, 1990. Evaluation and testing of models describing nitrogen transport in soil: a European project. In: Transaction of 14th ICSS, Kyoto, Japan, August 12-18, 1990. Volume I: 56-61.

Rijtema, P.E., P. Groenendijk and J.G. Kroes, 1999. Environmental impact of land use in rural regions. The Development, Validation and Application of Model Tools for Management and Policy Analysis. Series on Environmental Science and Management vol. 1, Imperial College Press, Imperial College, London, UK, p. 321.

Shibu, M . , P. Leffelaar , H. Van Keulen and P. Aggarwal, 2006. Quantitative description of soil organic matter dynamics—A review of approaches with reference to rice-based cropping systems . Geoderma  137, 1 – 18.

Schoumans, O.F. and M. Silgram (eds.), 2003. Review and Literature Evaluation of Quantification Tools for the Assessment of Nutrient Losses at Catchment Scale. EUROHARP report 1-2003, NIVA report SNO 4739-2003, Oslo, Norway, p. 120.

Vereecken, H., E.J. Jansen, M.J.D. Hack-ten Broecke, M. Swerts, R. Engelke, S. Fabrewitz & S. Hansen, 1991. Comparison of simulation results of five nitrogen models using different datasets. In: CEC, 1991. Final report of the project: Nitrate in soils (Sect. 8.2).

Willigen, P. de, 1991. Nitrogen turnover in the soil-crop system; comparison of fourteen simulation models. Fertilizer Research 27, 141-149.

Willigen, P. de., O. Oenema and W. de Vries, 2007. Modelling Nitrogen and Phosphorus Cycling in Agricultural Systems at Field and Regional Scales. In: Marschner, P.  and Z. Rengel (Eds.) Nutrient Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems. Book Series Soil Biology Vol. 10, Springer. pp 361-390.

Wu, L. and M. B. McGechan, 1998. A Review of Carbon and Nitrogen Processes in Four Soil Nitrogen Dynamics Models. J. Agric. Engng Res. 69, 279-305.

Field scale studies

Blanco Gómez, P., 2007. Simulation of water flow and DOC transport in upland peat soils with different land covers using SWAP and ANIMO models. MSc Thesis, School Of Applied Sciences, Cranfield University, UK.

Bondarik, I. G. and V.A. Koryagin, 2004. Use of mathematical models SWAP, ANIMO, WOFOST, in farm production scenario analysis for reclaimed agro-landscapes in Kaliningrad and Moscow regions. Proceedings of ICID Interregional Conference on food production and water: social and economic issues of irrigation and drainage, Moscow, Russia, 5-11 September 2004. ICID.

Dawson, Q. L. 2006. Low-lying agricultural peatland sustainability under managed water regimes. Ph.D. Thesis, National Soil Resources Institute, Cranfield University, UK.

Hack-ten Broeke M.J.D., W.J.M. de Groot and J.P. Dijkstra, 1996. Impact of excreted nitrogen by grazing cattle on nitrate leaching. Soil Use and Management 12 190-198.

Hack-ten Broeke M.J.D. and A.H.J. van der Putten, 1997. Nitrate leaching affected by management options with respect to urine-affected areas and groundwater levels for grazed grassland. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 66: 197-210.

Hack-ten Broeke M.J.D. and W.J.M. de Groot, 1998. Evaluation of nitrate leaching risk at site and farm level. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 50: 271–276.

Hendriks, R.F.A.,  K. Oostindie and  P. Hamminga, 1999. Simulation of bromide tracer and nitrogen transport in a cracked clay soil with the FLOCR/ANIMO model combination. Journal of Hydrology 215, 94–115.

Kroes, J.G. and J. Roelsma, 2007. Simulation of water and nitrogen flows on field scale: application of the SWAP-ANIMO model for the Müncheberg data set. In: Kersebaum, K. Ch., et al., (Eds.), Modelling Water and Nutrient Dynamics in Soil-Crop Systems. Springer. pp. 111-128.

Maria Elena Ruiz / Jose Miguel de la Paz / Carlos Ramos / Hanoi Medina SISTEMA SWAP-ANIMO PARA ESTIMAR LOS BALANCES DE AGUA Y NITRATOS EN UNA REGIÓN DE VALENCIA, ESPAÑA. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, año/vol. 17, número 001 Universidad Agraria de La Habana. La Habana, Cuba.

Marinov, D., Querner and J. Roelsma, 2005. Simulation of water flow and nitrogen transport for a Bulgarian experimental plot using SWAP and ANIMO models. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 77 145– 164.

Mioduszewski, W., M. Fic, A. Slesicka, A. Zdanowicz, W. Walther, M. Paetsch, F. Reinstorf, D. Weller, S. Diankov, G. Velovsky, S. Radoslavov, W. Marinov, O.  Nicheva, E.P. Querner and J. Roelsma, 2005. Development of tools needed for an impact analysis for groundwater quality due to changing of agricultural soil use. In: Nitrates in groundwater. European meeting of the International Association of Hydrogeologists; Wisla (Poland). Balkema, Leiden.  pp. 123 - 128.

Rijtema, P.E. and J.G. Kroes, 1991. Some results of nitrogen simulations with the model ANIMO. Fertilizer Research 27, 189-198.

Salm, C. van der and O.F. Schoumans, 2000. Phosphate losses on four grassland plots used for dairy farming; Measured phosphate losses and calibration of the model ANIMO. Alterra, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Report 083.

Eugenio Carrillo Ávila. Sobre el uso del método inverso para la caracterización hidrodinámica de los suelos

Ten Berge, H.F.M. (Ed.), 2002. A review of potential indicators for nitrate loss from cropping and farming systems in the Netherlands. Plant Research International, Wageningen. The Netherlands. Report 31.

Vinten, A.J.A., 1999. Predicting Nitrate Leaching from Drained Arable Soils Derived from Glacial Till. J. Environ. Qual. 28, 988-996.

Vinten, A.J.A., B.C. Ball, M.F. O’Sullivan and J.K. Henshall, 2003. The effects of cultivation method, fertilizer input and previous sward type on organic C and N storage and gaseous losses under spring and winter barley following long-term leys. J. of Agr. Sci., 139, 231-243.

Wolf, J., M.J.D. Hack-ten Broeke and R. Rötter, 2005. Simulation of nitrogen  leaching in sandy soils in The Netherlands with the ANIMO model and the integrated modelling system STONE. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 105, 523–540.

Regional applications

Boogaard, H.L., Kroes, J.G. 1998. Leaching of nitrogen and phosphorus from rural areas to surface waters in the Netherlands. Nutr. Cycling Agroecosyst. 50, 321-324.

Bijlsma R, P. Groenendijk, P. Boers and M. Blind, 2006. Uncertainty assessment on the nutrient concentration in the Regge catchment, Vecht River basin, the Netherlands. HarmoniRiB report D7.4

Groenendijk, P. and P.C.M. Boers, 1999. Surface water pollution from diffuse Agricultural sources at a regional scale. In: Heathwaite, L., Ed. Impact of Land-Use Change on Nutrient Loads from Diffuse Sources. Wallingford (UK), IAHS Publ. No. 257, pp. 235-244.

Groenendijk, P., R. Bijlsma, D.J.J. Walvoort & L.V. Renaud, 2008. Analysis of nutrient losses and parameter uncertainties in soils and surface water systems at the catchment scale. In: Abesser, C., T. Wagener & G. Nuetzmann, Groundwater – Surface Water Interaction: Process Understanding, Conceptualization and Modelling, 158 – 163, IAHS Press, Wallingford, UK.

Hack-ten Broeke, M.J.D. A.G.T. Schut and J. Bouma, 1999. Effects on nitrate leaching and yield potential of implementing newly developed sustainable land use systems for dairy farming on sandy soils in the Netherlands. Geoderma 91,217–235.

Kroes, J.G., P.C.M. Boers, H.L. Boogaard, E.F.W. Ruijgh and J.A.P.H. Vermulst, 1997. Impact of manure policies on leaching of nitrogen and phosphorus from rural areas to Dutch ground and surface waters: methodology and application on a national scale. In: Brouwer, F.M. and W. Kleinhans (eds.), 1997. The implementation of nitrate policies in Europe: Processes of change in environmental policy and agriculture, Kiel, published by: Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk, Kiel, Germany, ISBN 3-8175-0262-1

Kroes, J.[G.], J. Beldman, H. te Beest, D. Boland & T. Vellinga, 2002: Conflicting interests in a Dutch agricultural dairy farming system. In: J.[H.A.M.] Steenvoorden, F. Claessen & J. Willems (eds.), Agricultural effects on ground and surface waters: research at the edge of science and society. Wallingford (UK), IAHS, 2002. IAHS Publ. 273, pp. 41-48.

Kroes, J.G. and P. Groenendijk, 2003. Nutrient emissions from soil to surface waters: integrated modelling at a regional scale. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 14386.

Ollesch G., I. Kistner, Y. Sukhanovski and M. Rode, 2005. Dynamic and modelling of sediment associated nutrients in a low mountain environment. In: Horowitz, A. J. and D.E. Walling. Sediment budgets 2. IAHS Press, Wallingford, Vol. 292, pp. 171-178.

Ollesch G., I. Kistner, R. Meissner and K.-E. Lindenschmidt, 2006. Modelling of snowmelt erosion and sediment yield in a small low-mountain catchment in Germany. Catena 68 161 – 176.

Sonneveld, M.P.W. and J. Bouma, 2003. Methodological considerations for nitrogen policies in the Netherlands including a new role for research. Env. Sci & Policy 6 501–511.

Sonneveld, M.P.W. and J. Bouma, 2003. Effects of combinations of land use history and nitrogen application on nitrate concentration in the groundwater. NJAS 51, 135-146.

Steenvoorden J.H.A.M., C.W.J. Roest, and P.C.M. Boers  1997. Simulation of nutrient losses to groundwater and surface waters in The Netherlands. In: Webb, B. Ed. Freshwater Contamination. Wallingford (UK), IAHS Publ. No. 243, pp. 323-332.

Wolf J., A.H.W. Beusen, P. Groenendijk, T. Kroon, R.Rötter and H. van Zeijts, 2003. The integrated modeling system STONE for calculating nutrient emissions from agriculture in the Netherlands. Environmental Modelling & Software 18, 597–617.

Rijtema, P.E. and Kroes, J.G, 1990. Nitrogen modelling on a regional scale. Proceedings of the NATO ARW workshop "Nitrate-contamination: Exposure, Consequence and Control", Lincoln, Nebraska, sept.1990.