
AgroDataCube nominated for Dutch Data Price 2018

October 3, 2018

The AgroDataCube has been nominated for the Dutch Data Price 2018 in the category exact and technical sciences. From forty-seven entries, nine investigations will be considered for the price.


De AgroDataCube is a data service in which open data from different sources are brought together to be findable and available. Think of land parcel data (RVO), remote sensing data from satellite portals and BOFEK (Bodemfysische Eenhedenkaart). The data is durable managed at the source and WUR servers. They are described with metadata in applicable standards.

Data service

The data service is available since March 2018. In the coming period more WUR data sets will be added to the AgroDataCube (soil density, soil moisture, etc.). External parties are contacted about adding the data sets.

The data is mainly open data from various sources. Part of the data in the AgroDataCube is processed open data which is made available as open data. The AgroDataCube is not just a data set, it is a data service. The data is freely accessible but the service needs to be paid for. To ensure the durability of the service, a cost model is being prepared. The service will run in an open GitHub environment. This environment is an open environment in terms of data, development and user groups.

Data innovation

The AgroDataCube is an innovation in big open data. It is one of the first real results of combining data from different batches and make them unequivocally available to the user. The AgroDataCube is based on open data principles and is open documented.

The AgroDataCube:

  • makes an innovative contribution to the aspect of interoperability of data in the agri-food domain
  • is of great importance for different interest groups
  • makes new research and new business and consumer oriented solutions

Parties and data in the agri-food domain are very fragmented. The AgroDataCube plays an important role in data integration and unlocking data so innovation can take place more quickly.

On november 28th, 2018 the ceremony will be held. The day is organized by RDNL, LCRDM, Data4LifeSciences, NFU UKB Working Group Research Data and the National Open Science Platform for researchers and data stewards.