You are a Wageningen UR employee or -student and you have a WURclient laptop
Wireless SSID
Your WURclient laptop already is configured to connect to SSID "wurnet" with WPA2-AES Enterprise encryption.
No restrictions: Internet access, Intranet access Access to Network shares, Access to WURPrinters.
First time setup
No 1st time instructions applicable: your WURclient laptop is already setup for WUR-Wireless. If however your WURclient laptop is unable to detect the Wageningen UR Wireless network: click START → (All Programs) → WUR → TOOLS and select "Configure WUR Wireless Network list".
If the above has no effect on your WURclient laptop with Windows 7, a temporary manual workaround has to be performed once:
- Click the network icon (lower right corner in the task bar (tray-icon) next to the clock)
- Click in the resulting window on Other Networks. Next, click Connect.
- Enter: wurnet (note: all in small letters, no spaces)
- If a message appears, click Connect again
- The connection will be made and will stay available from now on.
If connecting remains problematic on your WURclient laptop, contact the Servicedesk IT.
Setting up the wireless connection at a WURclient laptop is supported by the Servicedesk IT. If you are experiencing problems connecting your WURclient laptop to the wireless network, contact the Servicedesk IT.