You work or study at an Eduroam participant and you bring your own laptop
Wireless SSID
You need a valid account at a participating Eduroam university. Connect to the Wageningen UR Wireless network SSID "eduroam" and accept the distributed secure certificate encryption.
Internet access only.
Support by the Servicedesk IT to non-WURclient hardware is:
- limited to the instructions and information as provided on this website
- limited to the Wageningen UR wireless network. For support on Eduroam access at a non-Wageningen UR location you must contact the IT department at that location(!)
What is Eduroam?
Eduroam ('education roaming') allows users (researchers, teachers, students, staff) from participating institutions to securely access the Internet at any eduroam-enabled institution, free of charge. The eduroam principle is based on the fact that the user's authentication is done by the user's home institution, whereas the authorisation decision allowing access to the network resources is done by the visited network. Consult the EDUROAM website and EDUROAM FAQ for more information.
Please do note that Wageningen UR only facilitates the wireless network and does so according to the Eduroam standards (WPA2/AES with SSID broadcasting). Logging on should always be done with your full institutional logon name (usually your full institutional emailaddress) and -password. If you want to connect to the eduroam network at another institute, you must contact the IT department of that institute to check if they have additional or non-standard configuration requirements. Wageningen UR FB-IT has -obviously- no role in this.