Rens L.A.C. Buchwaldt MBA, member
Primary position
Rens Buchwaldt MBA is a member of the Board of Directors of Wageningen University & Research since 1 September 2017, and is responsible for the portfolio Finance, Business and Services.
Current additional positions
- Chairman Supervisory Board Academic Transfer
- Member UNL Operations and Finance Steering Committee
- Member SURF Members’ Committee
- Member Board Foodvalley.nl
- Member EFRO OP Oost Supervisory Committee
- Member Economic Board Arnhem/Nijmegen
- Member Economic Board Region FoodValley
- Member Administrative Steering Group Th!nk East Netherlands
- Member Board of Accez
- Member Advisory Board DUWO (student housing)
- Chairman Advisory Board Belmonte Arboretum Foundation
- Member of the Jury for the Agricultural Entrepreneur Prize
Management Council member, Koninklijke Coöperatieve Bloemenveiling FloraHolland U.A., September 2006 - March 2016:
- From 1 January 2014 to 1 March 2016, Financial Director in a two-person Executive Board, reporting to the Supervisory Board Strategic re-orientation “FloraHolland 2020”, and restructuring of funding (approximately €400 million).
- Second part of 2013: Interim CEO, architect and leader of the “Kompas” restructuring programme.
- From 2008 to 2013: Chief Operating Director within a four-person Executive Board, responsible for logistics and IT. Post-merger IT integration and establishment of a joint-venture auction in Germany (€ 300 million product sales, approximately 250 FTE).
- Initially (2006-2007) as Financial Director of Aalsmeer Flower Auction, responsible for the financial aspects of the merger and NMA (now ACM) merger-approval procedures.
Financial Director, N.V. Koninklijke Ahrend 8/2002-8/2006
CFO and (interim) CEO, IconMedialab, Stockholm, Sweden 4/2000 - 7/2002
CFO, Bell & Howell Publishing Services, Cleveland (OH) 8/1998 - 3/2000
NCR Corp (Amsterdam, Dayton (OH), London (VK)) 8/1984 - 7/1998:
Last position Vice President, Finance, Europe/Middle East/Africa
Previous secondary appointments
Several supervisory positions, including Chair of the Supervisory Board of Hobaho (flower bulbs brokerage and breeding, an independently operating subsidiary of Royal FloraHolland). “Gesellschafter” (supervisor) on behalf of Royal FloraHolland at Veiling Rhein Maas (joint-venture with German flowers/vegetables cooperative), and member of the Supervisory Board of Beko, a cooperative in the craft bakers industry.