
Responding to Fall Armyworm in Asia (E-Conference)

SDSN Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems is organizing a fully online e-conference on the fall armyworm (FAW) outbreak in Asia. Since the arrival of FAW in Asia last year, we would like to take stock of what we know about the FAW outbreak in Asia, how we can respond and what we could learn from the African experience.

Organised by Organizer Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)

Wed 10 July 2019 until Fri 12 July 2019

Register today to join this free online conference! Subscribing allows you to participate in the daily live sessions with our experts and access the online community to discuss insights, exchange project results, ask questions and discuss challenges with colleagues from around the world.

Programme (tentative)

Programme (tentative)
Sessions are from 9:00 - 10:30 Paris | 12:30 - 14:00 New Delhi 15:00 - 16:30 Beijing |

Wednesday 10 July: Fall armyworm identification, monitoring and current status

  • Kris Wyckhuys (China Academy of Agricultural Sciences): Summary and conclusions of the Regional FAW Consultative Meeting in Bangkok
  • Keith Cressman (FAO): New improved version of FAMEWS mobile app and latest developments on the global platform

Thursday 11 July: Options to respond to fall armyworm in Asia

  • Paul Jepson (Oregon State University): Pesticides as a barrier to IPM adoption, hazard elimination and risk reduction
  • Malvika Chaudhary (CABI): Biological control agents and biorationals for management of fall armyworm
  • Isaac Oyediran (Syngenta): The role of insect resistance management plans for Bt crops

Friday 12 July: Responding to fall armyworm on-farm

  • Frederic Baudron (CIMMYT): Understanding factors conditioning fall armyworm infestation and quantifying its impact on yield
  • Anne Sophie Poisot (FAO): Communication, extension and farmer education on fall armyworm