
Studium Generale | The Impact of Voice

How voices are used and perceived differs. With loudness, sharpness, depth, warmth, tempo, and melody you create an impression on the senses of your listener. This impression determines whether your listener will feel at home, scared, attracted or repelled by what you say. Even before he or she hears the meaning of your words. Studium Generale invites you to join Elizabeth Ebbink, psychologist and opera singer, for a journey through the use of voice and its impact on the listener.

Organised by Studium Generale

Tue 13 February 2018 20:00 to 22:00

Venue Impulse, building number 115
Stippeneng 2
6708 WE Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 482828

Discover what voice can mean for the success or failure of verbal (intercultural) exchanges between speakers and listeners from all walks of life. Using films, we will explore the way in which well-known speakers use their voice, and how this affects us. Let yourself be surprised, and learn how vocal technique, breathing technique, and psychology have a striking effect on melody, volume and timbre. What can voice use mean for conveying messages? And how can insights into the link between voice, psychology and technique be used to enhance communicative abilities?

Elizabeth Ebbink
Elizabeth Ebbink

About Elizabeth Ebbink

Elizabeth Ebbink is a voice trainer psychologist and professional opera singer. She was trained as a psychologist at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), and as an opera singer at the Rotterdam Conservatory. As a soprano she sang ten years at the Dutch National Opera, and as a soloist she has participated in many concerts and productions. As a singer, she has practical hands-on knowledge of the voice and almost thirty years of experience in teaching vocal technique. In her trainings, she combines this experience with her psychological expertise, and helps people to improve their interactive skills by making better use of their voice.