PhD defence

Collaboration on agrobiodiversity. Professionalisation of farmer collectives for effective Agri-Environmental Schemes

PhD candidate L (Lyda) Dik (Lyda)
Promotor prof.dr. HAC (Hens) Runhaar CJAM (Katrien) Termeer
Organisation Wageningen University, Forest and Nature Conservation Policy, Public Administration and Policy

Thu 24 April 2025 15:30

Venue Omnia, building number 105
Hoge Steeg 2
6708 PH Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 484500
Room Auditorium


The loss of biodiversity in agricultural areas is a major problem in the European Union. An important policy instrument to improve agrobiodiversity is the agri-environmental scheme. In 2014, the EU introduced a collective approach in AESs. This allows farmer collectives to be applicants for AESs. This research uses the concept of professionalisation to examine the performance of farmer collectives. The focus is on the Netherlands, because since 2016 only farmer collectives are eligible for AES. This research aimed to define, assess, explain and improve the professionalisation of farmer collectives to enhance more agrobiodiversity. Professionalisation of a farmer collective is a continuous and multidimensional process of becoming a better organisation and is very important to contribute to an effective AES. The two most important characteristics of professionalisation are: the way farmer collectives make their strategic choices and how they work on knowledge and skills of people involved in the farmer collective.