Dealing with polarisation
Polarisatie is een veelbesproken onderwerp. Hoewel polarisatie onwenselijk lijkt, is dat niet noodzakelijk het geval. Doel van deze training is om (toekomstige) wetenschappers en andere professionals bewust(er) te maken van polarisatiedynamiek en steun te bieden. De training gaat in op de eigen rol die zij innemen of (gewild of ongewild) toebedeeld krijgen in maatschappelijke debatten.
Registration is mandatory, limited seats available
Scientists do not give opinions, yet they are regularly asked to make black-and-white statements or take a side, and this pressure is also increasing online. That can be unpleasant and sometimes even feel unsafe. What is sensible if the outside world uses your research to make a point, if elements are utilized in an unfounded manner or for improper purposes?
What does it take to sustain yourself as a scientist or other professional in a polarised domain? Questions that can play a role in your work, but also in everyday life. What happens when you become part of polarisation in your social circle, family or online? You can’t solve polarization, but recognizing it, finding your own role in it and getting tools to do so is helpful.
About the training
WUR works closely with polarisation expert and philosopher Bart Brandsma. He has been working on the phenomenon for decades, with his 'Polarisation Thought Construct’ at its core. Based on this conceptual framework, (future) scientists and professionals can receive strategic sessions and master classes in order to better deal with their role in the public arena.
In 90 minutes we dive into this Polarisation thought construct. In addition, it is possible to follow a 3-hour training that focuses on a specific case of a team. You can contact Wageningen Dialogue for more info about this possibility.