PhD defence

Existentially challenged women entrepreneurs. Resilience to shocks affecting informal small-scale agrifood businesses in Benin

PhD candidate AB (Blandine) Ekpodile PhD
Promotor prof.dr. WA (Wilfred) Dolfsma SE (Sijmen) Schoustra
Co-promotor dr. VC (Valentina) Materia AR (Anita) Linnemann
Organisation Wageningen University, Business Management and Organisation

Fri 1 November 2024 13:00 to 14:30

Venue Omnia, building number 105
Hoge Steeg 2
6708 PH Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 484500
Room Auditorium


Women entrepreneurs leading agrifood businesses in the Global South face existential shocks regularly; they need to adopt strategies to be resilient against such shocks. This thesis addresses three interconnected aims: (1) to provide a comprehensive understanding of what shocks women entrepreneurs face, and evidence of their impact; (2) to identify resources and capabilities women entrepreneurs combine to innovate their business and overcome these shocks; and (3) to analyse the role of social networks in building business resilience. Combined, addressing these aims uncovers the conditions under which women entrepreneurs operate and the turbulent nature of their social and business contexts. The thesis provides an understanding of how women entrepreneurs build resilience for a variety of shocks that the literature so far has failed to address and contributes to the continuity, performance and profitability of women entrepreneurs despite the significant impact of the shocks they face.