SG - Capital, Race, Fascism
What has this -ism to do with capital and race? Let’s take a look at fascism from a societal point of view.
About Capital, Race, Fascism
In their book, the Theory of the Kraal, sociologists and philosophers Willem Schinkel and Rogier van Reekum explore the intricacies of power, control and resistance. Join us in this interdisciplinary exploration of the matrix of relations of fascism. Are we living in a world where structures of domination are omnipresent, or is there hope for emancipation? Should we all boldly embrace a stance of resistance against fascism? Let's ignite the conversation and find out!
About series This is (not) Fascism
Has fascism lingered under the surface for many decades? Is it staging a comeback in the political arena? This series explores those questions interdisciplinarily, taking perspectives from among others sociology, history and philosophy. Together, we'll unravel the complexities of contemporary fascist organisations. Are they different from past expressions of these politics? And should we all be antifascist, with a loud and clear …………………[insert your slogan here]…………………?
Want to learn more? Check out the multimedia reading table in the Forum library (1st floor).
About prof. dr. Willem Schinkel (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Willem Schinkel is Professor of Social Theory at Erasmus University Rotterdam. His work deals with the genealogies of migration and property in the context of racial capitalism. He has been visiting scholar at NYU (New York, USA), and at Humboldt University in Berlin. He is co-author of Theory of the Kraal and hosts the Compositions Book ClubOpent extern podcast.

About dr. R. van Reekum (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Rogier van Reekum is an assistant professor at the Department of Public Administration & Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He conducts research into the politics of migration and has published, among other things, on citizenship, borders and migration policy. Palgrave recently published his study into public debates about Dutch citizenship, Out of Character: Debating Dutchness, narrating citizenship. He is also co-author of Theory of the Kraal.