WDCC Meet-Up; Exploring Data Science Educational Needs
What Data Science and AI skills, knowledge and mindset are expected from WUR graduates entering the employment market? Can WUR realise those needs within the existing master programmes? What education do we need to offer at bachelor level? And how do we combine knowledge on Data Science and AI with WUR application domains?
In the context of recent WUR developments in data science education, especially the plans for the new data science bachelor, we would like to discuss those questions with you and representatives of three organisations active within WUR domains that are also expanding their data science and AI capacity.
The discussion will be followed by the presentations of:
- Erwin Folmer from The Dutch Kadaster
- Jan Willem Kruize from Rijk Zwaan
- Leo Abrahamse from Unilever.
You are invited to join us in considering and discussing the shape of Data Science education. Sign up and be part of our Data Science community!
Anyone is welcome to attend, both from WUR and the general public. If you, or your relations, are interested in joining, please send an email to data@wur.nl, and you will receive the outlook invite. Dinner bites and drinks will be provided. Do you have any dietary wishes or needs? Please inform us beforehand.
If you no longer wish to receive WDCC Meet-Up invitations, please send an email to data@wur.nl.
We look forward to seeing you there!
On behalf of Lukasz Grus
Coordinator Data Science Education