PhD defence

What do pigs want? A pigs’ perspective on amino acid requirements beyond growth

PhD candidate I (Ilaria) Minussi MSc
Promotor WJJ (Walter) Gerrits JE (Liesbeth) Bolhuis
Co-promotor AJM (Alfons) Jansman
Organisation Wageningen University, Animal Nutrition, Adaptation Physiology

Fri 25 April 2025 15:30 to 17:00

Venue Omnia, building number 105
Hoge Steeg 2
6708 PH Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 484500
Room Auditorium


Sustainability is crucial in animal production. Low-protein diets supplemented with feed-grade amino acids (AA) improve protein efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of pig farming. However, recent trials show that reducing dietary protein and AA levels may increase damaging behaviours like tail and ear biting, a major welfare issue in commercial pig farms.

This project aimed to optimize low-protein diets without compromising pig welfare by understanding the link between dietary AA and damaging behaviours. The impact of low-protein diets, with or without AA supplementation, on pig growth and behaviour was studied. The research also focused on the ability of pigs to detect an AA deficiency in the diet and to self-select AA to requirements in a choice-feeding setting. Since health status influences nutritional needs and behaviour, part of the project focused on self-supplementation of AA during an immune challenge. This research can help improve pig welfare while maintaining sustainable feeding practices.