Additional WUR discount on CANS/RSI articles
Studying comfortably with your laptop
Working properly with your laptop and monitor will prevent Complaints to Arms, Neck and/or Shoulder (CANS). By default, a laptop is not suited to be used for work or studying for more than two consecutive hours. Working on a laptop for extended periods of time results in an uncomfortable posture with pain and discomfort by the end of the day. If you use an arm, neck, and shoulder comfort set, you will be able to sustainably and productively work on your laptop.
WUR feels that it is important for students to study comfortably. Preventing the problem is better than finding a cure, so WUR offers a discount on the purchase of laptop riser, ergonomic mouse and external keyboard.
As a WUR student, you can choose the articles that suit you best in the LaptopShop. Or drop by the ServicePoint IT to try them out.
Please note: until the start of academic year 2023-24 these articles can only be bought in combination with a laptop. From September onwards, these are also available separately.
You can order the CANS/RSI articles in the WUR LaptopShop
Or try them at ServicePoint IT in Forum!