How can I find out if a certain article has been cited by others?

Authors will list the books and journal articles they themselves have referred to in their research. These are known as cited references or citations. Scopus, Scifinder and Web of Science store these references and enable you to search them. This way you can identify articles which have made a reference to a particular book or journal article.

In Web of Science, first select the "Cited Reference Search" option. An extensive tutorial is available.

In Scopus, you must first perform a search for the articles or authors for which you want to see the citations. On the results list or the author selection list, select the references or authors you want and then click the Scopus track citation button. Consult the Scopus help files for more information.

In Scifinder, perform a search and view the article for which you want to search citations using the microscope icon button. Then click the "get related" button at the bottom of the reference window. From the next menu, select the "Citing references" option to get references that cite the selected document.