New course in MFN: Resource Dynamics and Sustainable Utilization (FEM30806)

Are you worried about the sustainability of tropical timber production? Are you curious to know whether Dutch deer populations can be hunted sustainable? Are you enthusiastic about bio-fuels but unaware of the ecological implications of biomass harvesting for forest nutrient cycles?...... then this course is definitely something for you.

This new course deals with the extraction of resources from natural ecosystems. Resource use includes the exploitation of timber, the collection of fruits and resin, the extraction of wood for biomass production, hunting of animals, among others.

Ideally such resources are exploited in a sustainable way, but how is sustainability defined? And how is it quantified? Does FSC certification guarantee sustainable timber production?

In the course you will get hands-on experience in using simple models to quantify the effects of exploitation of natural resources on the future availability of these resources and on the ecosystems from which they are obtained.

You will learn to build and run simple simulation models that are used to simulate effects of resource exploitation. Then you will apply those models to a real-life case of resource use and you will give an advice on the management of this resource.

More information? See study guide (
Questions? Contact Pieter Zuidema (; Lumen building, room B.137