Audience for NOS climate broadcast
On Monday evening 1 November, the Dutch national news broadcasting network (NOS), in collaboration with WUR, will provide a live television broadcast on climate change from Lumen. You are invited to join the audience!
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We are looking for around 75 people who would like to be part of the background audience. The program will be presented by Winfried Baaijens. Renowned scientists and climate experts from Wageningen amongst others, will make their appearance. The programme is about climate change in general and touches upon the upcoming climate summit in Glasgow. The programme starts at 20.30 hrs until 21.30 hrs and will be broadcasted live on NPO1.
Sign up if you would like to join the audience. You can access the Lumen garden from 19.00 hrs using the main entrance of Lumen. Make sure to be on time, as doors will close at 20.00 hrs sharp. We will not check for corona QR code upon entry, but we do ask you to stay home if you have any corona-related symptoms.
Make sure to wear warm clothes, as the Lumen garden is expected to have autumn temperatures.
Click here for more information about the broadcast (in Dutch).