Bright Sunshine: Out of control
As you enter this urban living room, you’ll discover a wide variety of activities like Sunday concerts, gatherings, salons, gaming and places to read. Turn left, and you’ll be amazed by the waterfall cascading down the first three floors. The waterfall together with the constantly changing LED lighting add vitality to this space. As you walk up the stairs, you can feel the full strength of the waterfall. Keep on walking along the corridor around the reservoir, and experience it from both near and far.
As you wander around, you’ll suddenly come across the supermarket located on the second and third floors. The supermarket’s interior design is based on natural elements: water, trees and flowers. You walk on through an indoor garden, one of the four gardens themed on the four seasons. The winding steps then lead you to a quiet space which feels like a valley; a plant-covered setting which emulates a continuous, undulating, layered mountain. If you take a closer look, the plants’ automatic sensors tell you about them and you can record your voice or your desires. As you move on into the waterscape, you’ll see the water flowing down the plant curtain walls, with simulated birdsong.
Standing on the glass steps, with the sounds of water and birds intertwined, you can feel comforted by this natural art form; you can imagine yourself in a mountain forest. As you continue, you find yourself in a confined valley 2.5 metres wide by 6 metres high, surrounded by a water curtain running down the rock faces. As you walk down the undulating steps, you can touch the water, experiencing its effect on you: complete relaxation!
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