Thesis subject
Carefree with diabetes to school
In the Netherlands there are about 2,000 children with diabetes in primary education and 4,000 in secondary education. The Foundation Carefree with Diabetes to School (hereafter the Foundation) was established in December 2015 with the aim that every child should be able to go to regular school carefree. The Foundation offers practical tools for good diabetes care at school. For children with diabetes, this is not always obvious in practice.
Background to the study and organisation
To reach its goal, the Foundation has developed information materials for parents, teachers and children. There are two boxes with information materials: one for primary schools and one for secondary schools. Nearly 42% of the target group has already received the educational material.
In addition, the Foundation has a website, a Facebook page and an Instagram account where new information is actively shared between stakeholders. The website was consulted in 2017 by more than 10,000 unique visitors. On Facebook, the Foundation has a large reach, messages are frequently shared.
If all above mentioned materials do not sufficiently solve the problems of a student, an ambassador of the Foundation can be deployed, who tries to create a workable situation by means of (a) conversation (s) with teachers and parents. The number of volunteer ambassadors varies from four to eight.
The Foundation asked the science shop of WUR for a process and effect evaluation of material and activities.
Type of activities
Research (quantitative, qualitative, desk research, evaluation, etc), project activities Both quantitative as qualitative research, partly desk research & evaluation.
We can offer the student: supervision by an experienced researcher, enthusiastic commissioner, refund of costs
We look for students with a background in communication, social scientific research methods and interviews technics.