
Chikungunya virus nsP3 blocks stress granule assembly by recruitment of G3BP into cytoplasmic foci.

A C-terminal truncation of nsP3 fused to enhanced green fluorescent protein was expressed from a cytomegalovirus promoter in Vero cells. The nucleus was visualized by Hoechst staining (blue). Long cytoplasmic filaments not associated with the cytoskeleton are observed, indicating that multimerization is an intrinsic property of the conserved central domain of chikungunya virus nsP3.

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Chikungunya virus nsP3 blocks stress granule assembly by recruitment of G3BP into cytoplasmic foci.

Fros JJ, Domeradzka NE, Baggen J, Geertsema C, Flipse J, Vlak JM, Pijlman GP (2012). J Virol. 86:10873-9.