Circular@WUR Plenary Sessions
Watch the plenary sessions that were held at the Circular@WUR conference. The conference took place on 11, 12, and 13 April 2022 in Wageningen, the Netherlands.
Watch the plenary sessions
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- Grande opening of the Conference by the Zand Tovenaar - Opening ceremony by Arthur Mol, Rector Magnificus and Vice President Executive Board WUR
- Global challenges: Keynote “The European Green Deal: prospects for a bio-based circular economy” by Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director of the European Environment Agency
- Keynotes introducing the theme’s from scientific perspective:
- Fabrizio Adani, University of Milan:The Anaerobic Digestions as Key Factor in Proposing the Recovery of Renewable Fertilizers in a Circular Economy Frame
- Frank Boons, University of Manchester: Beyond the crossroads: from a nexus of challenges to interconnected transitions
- Jaqueline Cramer, Utrecht University: Effective governance of circular economies: an international comparison
- Introducing work on transition pathways by Prof Martin van Ittersum, prof Katrien Termeer, prof Hans van Meijl and prof Eveline van Leeuwen
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- Impression Circular@WUR Youth Event 18 March 2022
- Presentation winners Youth event ‘Moonshot idea about a Circular Society’
- Keynotes introducing the conference themes from a societal perspective:
- Tom Arnold, Chair of High Level Panel of Experts to assess the need for an international platform for food systems science.
- Bas Eijkhout, Member of the European Parliament on behalf of the Green Left, part of the European Green Party.
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- Plenary keynotes addressing the transition pathways
- Transition pathway 1 Biosphere: Prof Martin van Ittersum, Wageningen University & Research
- Transition pathway 2 Society: Prof Eveline van Leeuwen, Wageningen University & Research
- Transition pathway 3 Economy: Prof Hans van Meijl, Wageningen University & Research
- Transition pathway 4 Partnerships: Prof Katrien Termeer, Wageningen University & Research
- Closing ceremony: Conference conclusions & announcing prize winners by Saskia Visser and Saskia Keesstra