Thesis subject

Climate change and im/mobility in Europe/US/Australia

Most research on climate mobility is done in the Global South. This leaves underexplored how climate change is impacting on people’s mobility in Europe, Australia or the US for example (in the form of displacement, rural-urban mobility, etc.).

The thesis could either focus on the policy side or on the perceptions and mobilities of citizens, or on a combination of both; also paying attention to uneven mobilities when comparing movements by the rich elite and those with lesser resources. 


Ingrid does research into the relations between climate/environmental change and human im/mobility, exploring the diverse ways in which people move (or may not want to, or may not be able to) in the context of growing climate risks. Her background is in international relations and human geography, and she uses mobile and interdisciplinary ethnography as a course method of research.

Thesis topics & projects

The topic will intersect with my Vidi project on Climate Mobility in the Borderlands funded by the Dutch Research Council (website yet to be made), and the research of PhD researchers Hanne WiegelBasundhara Tripathy, and three new PhD researchers that will soon join ENP.