Thesis subject

Development policy evaluation, focusing on evaluation of the work of a transnational advocacy network

The Chair Groups of Humanitarian Aid and Reconstruction and Strategic Communication are offering an opportunity to take part in a larger research project into international lobbying and advocacy and its evaluation. The research is integrated into current evaluation of Dutch development policy, carried out by a team led by Wageningen UR researchers.

The research is part of the current evaluation of international lobbying and advocacy programs supported by the second round of Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs Co-Financing System (Mede Financiering Stelsel - MFS II) and coordinated by the Netherlands Scientific Council (NWO).

The research will provide for an opportunity to link research into lobbying and advocacy  with the practice of the Netherlands’ development policy.

The research will involve fieldwork in the Philippines. A return plane ticket Netherlands-Philippines is included in the budget available for the thesis.

The case that the student is to focus on:
The student is to take part in the evaluation of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) which is the transnational advocacy network under study. A network of organizations in South East Asia forms part of GPPAC. Guided and supported by WUR staff also involved in the evaluation, the student is to establish the role and effectiveness of this network, focusing on some of its activities (supported under Dutch development policy). In particular, the student is to look to the network’s involvement in the Mindanao peace process.
Through this research project, the student will have the opportunity to develop a theoretically and practically interesting thesis, as well as expertise, about:

  • Policy evaluation in a development context
  • The role of advocacy by civil society organizations in influencing societal goals (in particular peace)
  • The nature and role of transnational networks active in development, in particular peace building and conflict prevention.

The research should commence no later than early May 2014 and will entail  around two months of fieldwork.

The student will be hosted at the GPPAC regional secretariat of South East Asia, headed by the Initiatives for International Dialogue (IID), see

For application please provide a letter of motivation and your CV by April 1st to