Disruptions in Everyday Life, changing social practices & dynamics of consumption

What new practices and ways of doing and arranging daily life are emerging during the COVID pandemic in different sites around the world? This, and other related questions, are being considered in an upcoming Special Issue in the Journal Sustainability: Science, Practice & Policy which features a range of papers studying how everyday practices are changing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the sustainability implications emerging. The first paper in this Special Issue has just been published online.

'Disruptions in Everyday Life'

Over the past two years, dr. Mary Greene of the Environmental Policy group (ENP) has been leading an international sociological investigation of the impact of COVID-19 on changing social practices and dynamics of consumption in everyday life. This consortium includes researchers and scholars of consumption across 11 different countries who have engaged in shared research to uncover cultural and social variation in how the pandemic has shaped daily lives and practices.

More information can be found on the project website:

Visit Project Website

Upcoming Special Issue

We are delighted to announce that this work will be featuring in an impending Special issue “Disruptions in Everyday Life: changing social practices & dynamics of consumption” in Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy.

This special issue is being co-edited by ENP’s dr. Mary Greene and dr. Sigrid Wertheim-Heck,  along with dr. Marlyne Sahakian (University of Geneva) and dr.  Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier. This Special Issue features a range of papers advancing practice theoretical understandings of everyday consumption by progressing the field conceptually and empirically in studying how everyday practices are changing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our Questions

Questions considered by the Special Issue include (but are not limited to): What new practices and ways of doing and arranging daily life are emerging?  How are disruptions to systems of provision resulting in socially differentiated impacts on everyday life? What practices might stick and how can systems of provision, including policy, support the emergence of more resilience, and ‘sustainable' practices?

We will keep this page and the project website up to date with new publications currently underway. Stay tuned for more information and upcoming papers of this Special issue!